Heart Centred Sales - How to take a Win - Win approach to sales?The word “sales” seems to have received a bad name over the years. When people hear the word they think things like, pushy used car...
Understanding Marketplace - 3 Questions You Need To AnswerOne of the top reasons new business ventures fail is that they have not taken the time and effort to understand the marketplace they want...
Social Media & Why You Need It For Business?What is social media ? Social media refers to website, social media platform such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat,...
So, You Want To Be An Entrepreneur?The quest for self-employment, to MAKE YOUR MARK, to BE YOUR OWN BOSS, to show them HOW ITS DONE can be on many people’s minds. Many of...
What is a Hopeful Builder?Hopeful Builder is a passionate group of people that want to assist others realize their dream of starting or expanding a business. They...