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The Toolbox
Insightful tips about web design, strategy and business.

Passion + Planing = Success
Almost half of all small businesses fail in the first five years, with one in five failing in their very first year in operation. Doing more

How To Be Productive While Working From Home
It is proven that we as human beings function best with a fairly high degree of structure in our lives.

How To Conduct a SWOT Analysis for Your Small Business
One way to avoid many of the potential business pitfalls is to include an honest S.W.O.T. analysis as part of your business planning.

Abundance vs. Scarcity mindset
How many times, when things are going well and according to plan do you think; WOW! My business is going AMAZING!

The power of Follow-Up in your business
You know that you need to do follow-up in your business, right? We won't tell you anything you already know. Well, people usually tell...

Be Bold! Put yourself out there!
One of the KEY reasons we see successful business people is their ability to be BOLD, be FEARLESS and put themselves out there! They do...

3 Things To Consider When Things Don’t Seem To Go The Way You Expected
In life we often get caught up in what other people or organizations are doing whether it is personally or professionally. In your...

Decision Making: Stop Seeking Perfection and Embrace A Level of Uncertainly
One of the many challenges facing entrepreneurs and people in general is the ability to make good quality decisions quickly and...

Popular Top 3 Reasons For Business Failure
Having the right guidance and support will provide access to a formula for success for your new business venture. Many of the top reasons...

Understanding Marketplace - 3 Questions You Need To Answer
One of the top reasons new business ventures fail is that they have not taken the time and effort to understand the marketplace they want...

So, You Want To Be An Entrepreneur?
The quest for self-employment, to MAKE YOUR MARK, to BE YOUR OWN BOSS, to show them HOW ITS DONE can be on many people’s minds. Many of...
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