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The 3 Differences Between a Facebook Page and Profile

If you already have a Facebook profile, you may be wondering why you would need a Facebook Page. Let's learn about how Facebook Pages are different from Facebook profiles.

Facebook page:

A Facebook Page is your business's digital presence on Facebook. A Page has tools to help you grow your business, connect with customers, and see how people interact with it.


  1. Support a digital storefront for your business

  2. Connect with customers and people interested in your business

  3. Unlock business tools and advertising opportunities to grow your presence and reach your goals

Who's it for?

  1. Businesses

  2. Organizations

  3. Nonprofits

  4. Public figures

Facebook Profile:

This is your personal account on Facebook. It's where you tell people about yourself, add friends, and share personal updates. When you first join Facebook, you start with a profile.


  1. Share information and stories with your friends and family

  2. Follow and get updates on businesses and organizations that interest you

  3. Create posts, share photos, and upload videos

Who's it for

People who want to connect with their friends, family and organizations they like

Now that you've learned how Facebook Pages keep your business presence separate from your personal profile, let's walk through how to set up your Facebook Page. Book a call with us and we will walk you through step by step to create a business page right from the beginning.


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