As we all know that Facebook has just updated their algorithm recently and the new algorithm will prioritize meaningful interactions from friends and family over content on Facebook. It is prioritizing active interactions such as commenting and sharing more than "likes" and "click-through". Instead of scrolling through the New Feed and just simply “like” on the post, Facebook want users to engage more into conversation with each other which is called meaningful interactions, according to Facebook. This will become a bit trickier in order to increase your organic reach on your business Facebook page.
And here are the top 5 ranking factors in the new Facebook Algorithm 2019 that you need to be aware of:
Mark Zuckerberg said: Pages making posts that people generally don’t react to or comment on could see the biggest decreases in distribution. Pages whose posts prompt conversations between friends will see less of an effect.” What exactly does this mean?
It means in order for your business Facebook page to get show more on your audience News Feed, you must create more quality content that sparks conversations between your audience such as try to add questions in your posts, write about relevant topics that your audience are interested to have their opinion on. People will see your Facebook posts if their family or friends commented on it.
2. Reactions:
If you get more “love” action on your post more than “like”, you posts will get a minor boost in the News Feed. As always, love is stronger emotional signal than like. It applies to all other emotion icons of Facebook as well such as : Wow, Sad, Angry, Haha as Facebook wants to see more of these active emotions.
3. Comment replies
This new algorithm is not only prioritize comment but also favors comment replies as well because according to Facebook, conversation is the most important outcome of this new algorithm. Having said that, you need to create the content that inspires your audience to tag their friends in a comment and start a conversation.
4. Share links to Messengers or to a group of friends
If your audience send your content to their friends, that would be awesome as it makes a meaningful conversation between them through your content.
5. Engagement on shares
If you post just got simply clicked share is not enough, it must be shared and get engagement over share will help your post will be prioritized in this new algorithm game.
Feeling overwhelmed with this new information? Contact us today for a FREE evaluation of your social media to see what it works and what doesn’t work.
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